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Hi, I'm Anaïs

In 2021, I led the largest global employee engagement campaign that a big beauty retailer had ever seen. It won awards and opened Europe's largest employee engagement conference. What did I do? I launched an original pop song scientifically designed to boost people's self-esteem through its lyrics and melody, and wrote it with 1,300 people all over the world.

Now, getting a global beauty giant to trust a hierarchically junior 25 year-old to branch out into the music industry is the furthest thing you can imagine from easy. But I knew the powerful impact it would have, and that I could do it,  and did. Today, I lead employer branding and connection for 7 fashion brands, with a meaningful focus on empowerment and wellbeing.

I'm passionate about empowering self-esteem - because I've had my own aha-moments, and because I've seen the incredible wonders it can do inside and outside of work. What I've realised over the years, is that our choices and self-belief are massively impacted by the people we're lucky to cross paths with. Whether that's great friends or great managers.

I've grown very quickly in my career, and have made big goals a reality. My secret to being where I am today is the incredible people I've been lucky to learn from along the way. So, I created Little Lessons from Big Hearts to share the deep, unfiltered and heartfelt conversations that have helped me grow, so that you can live your most empowered, confident life too.

I hope these conversations empower you, 


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