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Podcast Trailer
00:00 / 01:15
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Lives that inspire, Lessons that empower

Here's the thing: 1 in 2 people feel more self-doubt than self-love. And let's be real, we've all had a moment of self-doubt at some point. Here's another thing: sometimes, we meet people who end up having a meaningful impact on our life, simply because of how confidently they live theirs.

Little Lessons From Big Hearts is a raw and relatable podcast diving deep into highs and lows we all experience - from juggling red-flag friendships to career choices and getting the guts to start our own business.


Hosted by Anaïs Nebel, each episode features different guests who've had a meaningful impact on her, and who open-heartedly share how they got to where they are today.

Little Lessons From Big Hearts is here to empower you - and give you the fuel to go after your most fulfilled life chapter yet.

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